Renting International addresses through Werbeteam Jacob

Rent addresses through Werbeteam Jacob: profit from our consistently qualified database and many years’ experience in the field of address marketing.

Renting international addresses –
up-to-date data for one-time use

Werbeteam Jacob offers a great number of international business addresses for rent. This version is favourable for smaller budgets and small, single projects. Addresses you rent with us are released for one-time use. At extra charge, they can be supplemented by additional information on marketing-specific data, e.g. management directors, division managers, persons differentiated by managerial levels as well as various company-specific details.

Up-to-date data files for your projects

In most cases, outdated databases are almost worth nothing. That is why we give high priority to the actualization and maintenance of data files. With Werbeteam Jacob you can rent international addresses exclusively derived from our real-time address database which are excellently suitable for your projects.

  • marketing-specific data
  • Renting of addresses

As a precaution only, we wish to point out that unauthorized use of the addresses rented will involve contract penalty according to our General Terms and Conditions. Werbeteam Jacob is prepared to answer any questions you might have.

Please, contact us per email to or our customer service under phone number +49 (0) 231 22390557.

Werbeteam Jacob is looking forward to your enquiry.